
Spammers "harvest" e-mail addresses from web pages. .

The following link is not our "real" e-mail address but your message will be automatically forwarded to us. 

*** Send us an E-mail ***
(click on 'E-mail')

Another option is to copy this, remove the spaces and put in the '@':

woollyd    *at*     gmail   .   com

Someone else has the address of "WOOLYD @" so be sure to use 2 "L"s.

If all else fails, what follows is a picture of our e-mail address.
You can  type this address into the "TO:" line of your e-mail
(note the 2 "L"s)

WEB25-at-WOOLLYDESIGNS.jpg (6598 bytes)


Please use your "BACK" button to return to where ever you were.

Visit our web pages  www.woollydesigns.com/